St Davids Church Diary Dates

Listed below are the forthcoming events that involve St Davids Church Llywel, so be sure not to miss out and add them to your diary.
Service Times
1st Sunday - 4.30pm - Holy Eucharist
2nd Sunday - 11am - Family Eucharist
3rd Sunday - No Service
4th Sunday - 11am Holy Eucharist
5th Sunday - Benefice Eucharist in Rotation
2014 - Open Saturdays
Group: Church
Date: Sat, 7 Jun 2014 10:00 am
OPEN CHURCH - Every Saturday in June, July & August
Our church will be open between 10am and 1pm, please come and have a look around.
Refreshments... Read more»
Flowers and Cookery Evening
Group: Church
Date: Wed, 28 May 2014 7:00 pm
A demonstration evening, Flowers by Catrin Davies and Cookery by Neil Dillon.
Wednesday 28th May 2014, starting at 7pm in Trecastle Community... Read more»