Trecastle Community

The Crai, Llywel, Traenglas and Rhydybriw Ladies Guild

The Ladies Guild was formed around 1980 by the late Mrs Peggy Maddox, wife of the incumbent at that time Rev Gronnwy Maddox, as a social group for the ladies of Crai, Llywel and Traeanglas churches.

Meetings were held in the Llywel Vicarage at first, the membership numbered around 36 ladies then. Many enjoyable gatherings were held, the highlight being the strawberry tea which each year had a different colour theme. Outings to visit many of the churches in the area and other places of interest were also organised

Rhydybriw church ladies were later welcomed and joined the group.

The Guild now meets in Trecastle Community Centre at 7.30pm on the second Thursday in the month. Come along and join us, you will be assured of a warm welcome.

During the winter month’s talks and demonstrations take place. Christmas sees us gathering for a celebratory meal at a local hostelry. In January 2013 the programme included a talk given by a member on her trip to Mongolia. In February a visiting speaker gave an insight into “ Life in Laos “. There is no meeting in April as it is a busy time on the farm for many.

In the summer the ladies are out and about, in May it is hoped to arrange a guided tour of The Plough Chapel in Brecon. Visits last year included Aberglasney House and Gardens and The National Wool Museum.

For more details please contact the Secretary Mrs Eileen Jones. Tel No 01874 636525


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