Trecastle Community

Trecastle Community Hall Constitution & Action Plans

Trecastle Community Hall

Constitution of Trecastle Community Hall.

Trecastle Community Hall after initial refurbishment December 2015

1. Name.

The name of this unincorporated charitable organisation is The Trecastle Recreation &  Community Association Management Committee. (“The Village Hall”) The charity will be managed by the committee as trustees who are appointed at the A.G.M. of the charity.

2. Objects.

The objects of The Village Hall (‘the objects’) are:

  1. to provide a safe, well-equipped, clean meeting place for the residents of the Parish of Trecastle Village, Trianmawr and Trianglas Communities and of the neighbourhood with access for all members of these communities, including provision for disabled persons, and at a reasonable rental to cover running costs and in accordance with conditions of hire;
  2. to operate an equal opportunities policy and, thereby aim to ensure that all users shall be treated equally regardless of age, disability, ethnic or national origin, gender, marital or parental status, political belief, race, religion or sexual orientation;
  3. to adopt an ethos that provides facilities for physical activities, recreation, social and moral development and to foster community spirit.
  4. to operate a child protection policy and, thereby, aim to ensure that no child shall be left unattended or alone with people they do not know and that every effort shall be made to secure the physical and moral safety of children at all times;
  5. to promote such other charitable purposes as may from time to time be determined.
  6. To raise funds, receive grants and donations. Make applications for funds to carry out work of the charity and to co-operate with and support other charities with similar purposes.

3. Administration.

  1. Subject to the matters set out below, the affairs of The Village Hall shall be directed in accordance with this constitution by the members of the Administrative Committee, appointed at a General Meeting [A.G.M]  in May of each year. Each member of the Committee shall upon the first appointment to the Committee receive a copy of the constitution. No person shall be entitled to act as a member of the Committee following appointment or re-appointment until they have signed a declaration of acceptance and willingness to act as a managing charity trustee of The Village Hall. Appointed members shall hold office until the conclusion of the next Annual General Meeting and shall be eligible for re-appointment.

4. The Committee.

  1. Following the Annual General Meeting, the Management Committee shall establish, until the next following Annual General Meeting, and not meet less than twice a year.
  2. The Management shall be constituted as follows:-

Chairperson, Vice Chairperson, Secretary, Treasurers and other officers. The Executive shall meet at least six times a year. An attendance of six members shall constitute a quorum, with those attending having the right to appoint a deputy chairman and/or secretary if the nominated person is unable to attend.

  1. All members of the Committee shall retire from office together at the conclusion of the Annual General Meeting next after the date on which they came into office but they may be re-appointed.
  2. The proceedings of the Committee shall not be invalidated by any failure to elect or any defect in the election, appointment, co-option or qualification of any member.

5. Powers of The Executive

In furtherance of the objects but not otherwise the Executive may exercise the following powers:

  1. manage The Village Hall affairs in a sensible and prudent manner and ensure that The Village Hall is insured against loss of buildings and contents and public liability;
  2. enter into banking arrangements on behalf of The Village Hall;
  3. commit to and execute contracts necessary for the running, maintenance, refurbishment, development and extension of the facilities, premises and grounds of The Hall;
  4. raise funds including but not limited to by way of an application for grants and donations to assist in covering the costs of running, maintaining, refurbishing, developing and extending the facilities, premises and grounds of The Village Hall;
  5. determine rental charges and conditions of hire;
  6. apply for licences required for activities to be carried out on the premises;
  7. be prepared to undertake tasks without payment, other than for reimbursement of expenses such as postage and printing;
  8. delegate when necessary to subcommittees but take full responsibility for their actions;
  9. appoint from its number officers which may include a Deputy Chairman, Publicity Officer and Lettings Secretary;
  10. appoint professional and other external advisors when necessary to assist in its decision making;
  11. act at all times in the best interests of the communities served by The Village Hall; and
  12. make donations to worthy causes when funds allow.

6. Election of Officers

  1. The Annual General Meeting shall elect a Chairperson, Vice Chairperson,  Secretary and  Treasurer (which may number among the persons elected to the  Committee).
  2. The Committee may appoint other officers.
  3. An Officer shall cease to hold office if he/she notifies the Secretary in writing of his /her resignation.
  4. If a vacancy occurs by death or resignation, the Committee shall have the power to fill from among its members.
  5. All Officers shall hold office until the conclusion of the next Annual General Meeting and shall be eligible for re-election.

7. General Meetings

  1. The Committee shall call every Annual General Meeting and other General Meetings.
  2. Notice of Annual and other General Meetings shall be posted in a prominent position at least 7 days in advance.
  3. All residents and all worshippers in the Parishes of  Trianmawr and Trianglas and Trecastle community shall be entitled to attend a General Meeting and those over the age of 18 years shall be entitled to vote and be elected to office.
  4. A quorum shall be six persons or one-third of the members eligible to vote.
  5. There shall be an Annual General Meeting each year in the month of May or as soon as practicable thereafter. The Annual General Meeting shall:
    1. receive a report of The Village Hall’s activities for the preceding year:

b.  receive the Accounts of The Village Hall for the preceding financial year;

c.  appoint members of the Committee in accordance with constitution guidelines.

                 d.   elect officers in accordance with constitution guidelines.

e.   consider other business of which due notice has been given.

8. Rules of Procedure at all meetings

  1. Unless otherwise specified above a quorum is to be 6 persons or one-third of the members entitled to vote.
  2. Any issue arising shall be decided by a majority of those present and voting. In case of an equality of votes, the Chairman shall have a second or casting vote.
  3. Minute books recording proceedings and resolutions shall be kept of General Meetings and meetings of the Committee.

9. Trust Property

The Committee shall cause the title to all land (which is not vested in the Official Custodian for Charities) and property held by or in trust for The Village Hall to be vested either in a corporation entitled to act as custodian trustees or in not less than three named members of the Committee as holding trustees. Holding Trustees shall act in accordance with the lawful directions of the Committee. Provided that they act only in accordance with such lawful directions, Holding Trustees shall not be liable for the acts and defaults of members of the  Committee.

10. Accounts

The Treasurer is responsible for compliance with The Village Hall’s obligations under the Charities Act 1993 (or subsequent modifications to or re-enactments of that Act). Proper accounts shall be kept of all monies received and paid out. An audited statement of accounts for the financial year to 31st December shall be presented at the Annual General Meeting.

11. Annual Reports and Annual Return

The  Committee shall comply with its obligations under the Charities Act 1993 (or subsequent modifications or re-enactments of that Act) with respect to the preparation of an annual report and an annual return and their transmission to the Charity Commissioners.

12. Indemnity

In the Execution of the Trusts hereof, no member of the Committee shall be liable by reason of any mistake or omission made in good faith by any member of the Committee other than wilful and individual fraud, wrongdoing or wrongful omission on the part of the member who is sought to be made liable.

13. Alterations to the Constitution

An alteration may be made to the constitution only with the majority consent at an A.G.M. The intention to consider an alteration to the constitution shall be made clear in the notice of the meeting and full details of the proposed alteration shall be made available to interested parties on request to the Chairman or Secretary of the Committee.

14. Dissolution Procedures

The Committee may be dissolved on a resolution, passed by a two-thirds majority at a General Meeting convened for that purpose. At least 28 days notice of such meeting shall be sent to all interested parties. In the event of the Committee being dissolved any residual funds having met all outstanding obligations shall be dealt with in accordance with the Trust Deed of 23rd November 1983.


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