Trecastle Community

Trecastle - A member of the Upper Usk Valley Rural Alliance

Entry by Community Group: Community Council

The Upper Usk Valley Alliance had a Launch Day on Wednesday 30th April in Trecastle Village Hall, and comprises the villages of Trecastle, Sennybridge, Crai and Defynnog.

People visited the hall between 2p.m. and 8 p.m. and it was a successful day for The Upper Usk Valley and all those who have worked so hard to tie villages together. There are top quality leaflets available for Trecastle, Defynnog, Sennybridge and Crai. They can be found at many local public locations. The leaflets have been produced professionally and have information, local walks and contacts for local facilities on each. Trecastle Y.F.C. members entertained those who were present between 7.OO and 8..00 o-clock. The idea is that people can be informed more about what is available in the upper region of The Usk Valley and be surprised at what they discover.

More information can be found on theĀ Upper Usk Valley website.

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