Trecastle Community

Traffic Speed Issues

Mon, 12 Nov 2018 10:38 pm

Entry by Community Group: Community Council

Community Council Member Mr David Howells has been in discussions with Roger Williams MP, Kirsty Williams AM/AC and Mr Christopher Salmon Police who is The Crime Commissioner Dyfed-Powys regarding the speed of traffic through our area. Mr Salmon has been repleced byDafydd Llywelyn and is our current Police Commissioner. During 2018 the speed of Traffic, in particular motorbikes has remained a problem. Massive speeds are being heard and witnessed by locals outside villages...e.g. down The Llywel Straight , to the west of Trecastle on the A40. The village still has the ongoing problem of walkers trying to get to Sennybridge on foot. Powys C.C. refuse to prioritise the cutting of grass, so that walkers are safe to walk off the tarmac on the side verges. Consequently, walkers are forced to use the main road on the A40, and have to share the tarmac with fast moving lg waggons, army lorries, speeding motorbikes nad cars. The stretch of road between Trecastle and Sennybridge has seen four biker fatalities and numerous crashes in the last few years. The setion of the A40 should be designated as a "Black Spot" and policed regularly. 2019 will only see a worsening of an already bad situation on the roads around Trecastle.

We have a growing young population at Trecastle and a vibrant Y.F.C. that use our Community Hall. It has a budy and well attended Playgroup there also on Mondays. The area close to the Community Hall is always busy and our children get onto and off school buses at this location. Parents are very worried.

The following is the quoted text from a letter sent from Mr Howells to Roger Williams, Kirsty Williams, Christopher Salmon and the Brecon And Radnor Express

I attended a meeting on the 29th July in Sennybridge about speed in our area within Powys. There were representatives from many agencies including Police, OUR Police Commissioner, Our local M.P., local people and Motorcyclists. I must say that I came away from the meeting quite positive that the situation will continue as unchecked from this point on as it has been. There was a lot of time wasting from all, but the main point is clear locals don`t like speed, and irresponsible driving on their doorstep by MINORITIES !

Powys is supposed to be a happy county and a place where crime is fairly low, and “the majority” of people appreciate this and are passionate about where they live. The meeting was a bit like Question time. Some ideas, some excuses, some explanations, and then...times up! Let`s finish the meeting and go home and possibly do nothing !!

The “minority” of bikers spoil it for their colleagues, the “minority” of car drivers and Van drivers and M.O.D. drivers spoil it for others in their groups. There are awful drivers out there with no knowledge of brake use, suspension or road holding capability in all vehicles. They can`t drive through spaces that are adequate, and they won`t overtake anything even when it`s safe to do so. This will and does aggravate those who are behind them. There is a horrible mix of slow and quick drivers on our highways at the moment and it all adds to the intensity of driving from one place to another, and this situation is prevalent on the A470 daily .

But the motorbike situation is a little different!!  A “minority” of them use the road like a playground / racetrack and I can appreciate why they do this. They leave their cul-de- sac homes behind on the weekend and come to the working countryside for “a rip”. They are equipped with racing quality engines, fantastic soft compound gripping tyres and these in turn aid performance, handling and high speed and this is what the minority are after... uninterrupted high speed thrashes!! The bikers in the meeting spoke about mud on the road and the natural mess that the farming community leave in patches on the road...This is the countryside!!...Think Mud!! Think Tractor and Trailers!!, Think Sheep and Cattle!!, Think Horses!!.. Think other Road Users!!. The “Think Bike” phrase is all good, but I`m fed up of it being used as a “biker copout” for all collisions between a bike and car, it`s only “a minority” of other road users who don`t think bike.

The motorbikers potential high speeds can make other road users jumpy, indecisive and intimidated. They are aware of this by-product  of their machines and their driving manner. The sound and speed are definitely connected, because if a bike can be heard easily 4-5 miles away revving hard in top gear then it is definitely travelling at more than 100 m.p.h. This will give every householder in the area prior notice and The Police too, if they are on duty listening. Distinctive race suits will only help to pick out certain riders, but they WANT to be noticed, not by the police though! They are shrewd and cunning and know when they need to “shut down” and that is why the incidences of Biker Speed crimes are not reflective of what is going on. What I fear, is a biker accident outside my home and me or my family having to assist, and see the aftermath of a messy crash or fatality which will affect our lives permanently. This could happen to anybody who lives on our roads locally which are favourites of bikers. The roads are not dangerous, it`s the drivers who make roads dangerous, and they are not accidental crashes either, it`s pure negligence on somebody’s behalf.

Bikers magazines promote so called “good roads” and their locations and usually  they provide a rating which I know is connected to high speed, minimal police presence, straights and flowing curves which emulate race tracks. I could take photos and video clips in our summer evenings outside my house which would be reminiscent of The T.T. races in the Isle of Man. Perhaps I will!!

I am aware that it is the minorities who spoil it for the rest! It is always a sad day when the main road outside our house goes quiet, and there is no traffic passing. This means a serious crash, possibly fatal, usually it is. Everybody could do without them! I am begging bikers to think about these words and don`t make “your rip” around Powys roads an R.I.P. for yourselves or any other person.

Dave Howells

Reply From Kirsty Williams' Office

Dear Mr Dave Howells,

 I have now received a reply from the Minister for Economy, Science and Transport in the Welsh Government, Edwina Hart AM.  I have included a copy, which I hope you find informative.

 I would of course be happy to receive any comments you have in relation to this response.

 Yours sincerely

 pp D Pugh

Kirsty Williams AM/AC

Letter from Kirsty Williams AM

Following are two letters from Roger Williams MP:

Letter from Roger Williams MP

Another Letter From Roger Williams

Letter from Roger Williams MP

To be continued....

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