Trecastle Community

Llywel CC meeting October 2024

Thu, 17 Oct 2024 7:30 pm

Entry by Community Group: Community Council


  1. Present:
  2. Apologies:
  3. Declare a personal Interest:
  4. Approval of minutes – 19th September 2024
  5. Matters arising from minutes:
    1. Point 5b no update from Trunk road (confirmation from the Welsh Government that your email has been processed and the due date for a response is the 16/10/24.) 
    2. Point 11b no update
  6. Planning:
    1. Beacons NPA (30.9.24) Mill House Trecastle -  appeal with regards to proposal to install 17KW air source heat pump to the rear of the property and 6 solar panels to be added to the front side roof of the property.  At this stage of appeal interested parties are unable to comment , only to withdraw any previous comments made – deadline 21st October.


  1. Highways update:
  2. Correspondence:
    1. One Voice Wales (20.9.24) - The Infrastructure (Wales) Act 2024 provides for a new consenting process that will enable the Welsh Ministers to determine applications for significant infrastructure projects. The Act contains the framework for the overall process, with the finer details to be prescribed in Regulations.

The consultation paper describes the finer details by setting out the whole consenting process, from the identification of projects subject to the new regime, through to amendments to consents and revocation. Feedback to these proposals will enable the finalisation of the Regulations.

The consultation can be found on the Welsh Government’s consultation pages at:

 Implementing the Infrastructure (Wales) Act 2024 | GOV.WALES 

Responses to the consultation paper are invited by 13 December 2024.


  1. IRP Wales (4.10.24) - in accordance with the requirements of Section 147 of the Local Government (Wales) Measure 2011, I attach a link to the Independent Remuneration Panel for Wales’s draft Annual Report 2025 to 2026.

This has also been sent to the Cabinet Secretary for Housing and Local Government and other interested parties.

You can find the report by using the following link: Independent Remuneration Panel for Wales: draft annual report 2025 to 2026 | GOV.WALES


  1. c.   Bannau Brycheiniog National Park (4.10.24) - Bannau Brycheiniog (Brecon Beacons) National Park Local Development Plan (LDP) (Adopted December 2013) Draft Supplementary Planning Guidance

The Bannau Brycheiniog National Park Authority has produced the following draft supplementary planning guidance note (SPG) to aid implementation of the adopted Local Development Plan:-

Llangattock Plan

This document is available for public consultation for a period of 8 weeks from Friday 4th October until               Friday 29th November 2024.

To view the draft documents please visit the Authority’s website as follows:


  1. Dyfed Powys Police (8.10.24) - Great News - We now have a website which is LIVE. You can find it here:

Just to also let you know, my email has now changed to CHAIR@GGDPNW.ORG.UK. Please direct any emails to this email address for convenience, or add this email address into your trusted email list. You can also direct GENERAL ENQUIRIES to


  1. Town Cllr Mark Hammond Builth Wells Town Council (8.10.24) - in relation to the concern I raised at the recent Brecon & Radnor Area committee in respect of a meeting that was held by members of the Senedd in relation to the role of Town & Community Councils, (where the meeting documents were not made public). I have, as I said at the meeting, emailed James Evans MS regarding the issue and he has replied as below. (Members will recall that I said that as I understand it, a suggestion apparently being potentially muted by the department involved is the possibility of consolidating the 700+ Community & Town Councils into 150 larger "area Councils", which would reduce the total number of Councillors from around 8000 to 3000). 


Thank you for your email regarding the inquiry into the role, governance, and accountability of the community and town councils by the Local Government and Housing Committee . As a member of the committee tasked with looking at these issues, I must be mindful of what I can say at this point as I don’t want to prejudge any recommendations the committee will make.

While it is understandable that certain papers may be restricted due to the sensitive nature of the inquiry, it is important to ensure that these restrictions are reasonable, necessary, and in line with established procedures. This will help to balance the need for confidentiality with the importance of public participation. I believe that the Senedd has acted in full requirements set out around this issue under the standing orders of the Senedd.

Regarding the issue of the committee's decision to initiate the inquiry without prior notification to One Voice Wales, it is important to note that this approach is often adopted to avoid potential biases or undue influence on the enquiry.

In my view I believe that it is essential for the inquiry to address the following key questions:

How can the governance and accountability of community and town councils be strengthened to ensure that they are effective and responsive to the needs of their communities?

What are the barriers preventing community and town councils from fully realizing their potential, and how can these barriers be overcome?

How can the relationship between community and town councils and higher-level governments be improved to ensure that local voices are heard and respected?

What are the most effective ways to support the development of digital and new technologies in the community and town council sector?

By addressing these questions, the committee can develop recommendations that will help to strengthen the community and town council sector and ensure that it continues to play a vital role in Welsh political life.

  1. Powys Faye Carter (8.10.24) - as a Town or Community Council in Powys that is invested in developing high quality visitor experiences and facilities in your part of the County, we are contacting you to ask if you have any specific, costed, small-scale tourism infrastructure project ideas for the new round of Brilliant Basics funding, 2025-2027, which has just reopened to new applications.

As you’re probably aware, the scheme is only open to Local Authorities or National Parks, and Powys County Council will again be submitting a Powys-wide umbrella project containing a number of smaller local projects for consideration by Welsh Government.

So that Powys County Council can fairly assess all project ideas, we are asking all organisations with prospective projects that you would like Powys County Council to consider requesting funding for from the Brilliant Basics scheme, to complete an online form (see link below) which needs to be submitted online no later than 9am on Monday 4th November 2024. 


    1. AOB
    2. Date of next meeting: 21st November 2024


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