Llywel CC meeting February 2025
Entry by Community Group: Community Council
Cyngor Cymuned Llywel Community Council
Email: joannedavies75@yahoo.com
Mob: 07973622929
14th February 2025
Hi, I am writing to inform you that our Community Council Meeting will be held on Thursday 20th February2025 7.30p.m. at Trecastle Community Hall, Trecastle.
Please note change of venue.
Yours sincerely.
Mrs Jo Davies (Clerk)
- Present:
- Apologies:
- Declare a personal Interest:
- Approval of minutes – 21st November 2024
- Matters arising from minutes:
- Point 5b : clerk reported online reply 6.1.25: Thank you for your email regarding the A40 Trecastle, and please accept my apologies for the delay in responding.
We have a site for speed enforcement in the area. The site is an operational site which means it is usually visited on weekends during the summer months.
We last visited this site on 01/10/2024 and there were no offenders. I have spoken to the local Speed Reduction Officer and asked them to attend the site on a more regular basis.
David Joseph
- Planning:
- (BBNP 28.11.24) 24/23399/FU Proposed roof over the existing yard to the west of the existing cattle shed to prevent excess run of and pollution.” Neuadd , Trecastle, Brecon
- Powys (5.12.24) approval - erection of an agricultural shed at Twyn Y Felin Llywel Brecon Powys LD3 8UE
- Beacon (27.1.25) – 25/23431/PAR – roof covered manure storage area, Caerllwyn Farm, Trecastle
- Powys (12.2.25) - Proposal: Installation of 3 biomass boilers, Site Address: Twyn Y Felin, Llywel, Brecon, LD3 8UE
- Highways update:
- Hedge cutting invoice - £96.00
- Audit Wales (25.11.24) : We have now completed our audit of the Council’s accounts for 2023-24. In summary you must:
display a notice for a period of at least 14 days stating that the audit has been completed and that the Annual Return is available for inspection by local government electors;
provide details in this notice of the address at which and the hours during which local government electors may exercise their rights to inspect the Annual Returns;
publish or display your Annual Returns. As a minimum, this means that the Annual Return should be displayed on your notice board(s) and published on the Council’s website. Clerk displayed on the 27.11.24 and put on Website.
Payment for fees of £200 for 2023/24 Audit.
- Buses (2.12.24)- As previously stated, the statutory duty to consider and secure bus services firmly sits with local authorities, in accordance with section 63 of the Transport Act 1985.
Additionally, the Bus Network Grant (BNG), introduced at the beginning of April 2024, has provided local authorities with £39m funding to secure bus services that would not otherwise be provided through their existing statutory duties for the 2024 / 25 Financial Year. This is on top of the existing Bus Service Support Grant (BSSG) for the 2024 / 25 Financial Year, which remains at £25m.
Powys County Council are also currently working with Transport for Wales to review contracted local bus services across the County of Powys, and this will inform a major service re-tendering exercise. We understand this work is examining bus service provision along the A40 corridor.
Please be assured that the Welsh Government takes road safety very seriously, and we routinely review personal injury collision data to inform the need for engineering measures. This same commitment extends to the safety of operatives working on our network, where all activities are rigorously risk-assessed and conducted in accordance with detailed method statements to safeguard both the workforce and the wider public.
A Welsh Government Transport official would be pleased to arrange an on-site meeting to discuss your concerns in more detail. We would appreciate it if you could confirm whether such a meeting would be beneficial.
We will be reviewing the speed limits across our Trunk Road Network following publication of the new Setting Local Speed Limits in Wales guidance.
In the meantime, we would encourage you to contact GoSafe with your concerns. You can do this online at Report Speeding Concerns in your Community | GoSafe.
- ROSPA inspection report (10.1.24) -
- Correspondence:
- Clearcouncil (27.11.24) - Introducing our new insurer partner, Ecclesiastical
- Powys (27.11.24) I am writing to keep you in the loop of us possibly making changes to the bus shelter at the below location (Link A4067) Currently it is an old stone shelter and is listed as PCC ownership, which due to budget we have issue’s with ongoing maintenance. Our plan is to change it to a new stainless steel design with glass panels. This would be installed probably either next year, or the year after (Dates TBC) Please can you come back to me with any objections you may have as soon as you can? Thank you. – Clerk shared with Jeremy Watts.
- One Voice Wales (2.12.24) - In conjunction with One Voice Wales, researchers from Aberystwyth University are undertaking a survey as part of a Local Policy and Innovation Partnership / Partneriaeth Polisi ac Arloesi Lleol (LPIP) funded by UK Research and Innovation (UKRI). Please could your Clerk or another responsible member of your council please give time and attention to this important survey. Clerk filled in
- Powys (2.12.24) -We are currently in the midst of working on the Play Sufficiency Assessment and believe that your input on play within your communities is invaluable. To facilitate this, we have created a feedback form to gather insights on the play opportunities available in your area.
By completing this survey, you will be helping us to construct a realistic and comprehensive picture of play across Powys. Your contribution is immensely important, and we appreciate you taking the time to share your thoughts and experiences with us.
Clerk completed
- David Chadwick MP (5.12.24) - I wanted to send this response from Ken Skates MS, hot off the press today! Sorry it has taken so long to get this response for you.
I am pleased that a road surface and footway maintenance scheme for the village is currently being designed. I understand that the intention is to resurface the road between the 40mph terminals and the poorest condition sections of the footways but that these works are subject the availability of funding. I will keep up the pressure on this.
The other important points are that the Setting Local Speed Limits in Wales (SLSLiW) guidance is being updated, and following the release of this guidance, Welsh Government will review the speed limits across the Trunk Road Network. Until then, they are not making any changes to individual speed limits. It seems that the Welsh Government will not consider speed management devices in the village at present, nor will they allow community groups to install these, I am also informed that speed management assessments are paused at the present time. Again, this is another issue that we can look at again, once the SLSLiW guidance is published.
I am pleased that another assessment for a pedestrian crossing assessment will be undertaken. Again, this is one we can keep up the pressure on to try to ensure funding is successful this time.
Please let me know your thoughts and if there is anything further I can do, please just get in touch.
- Powys (23.12.24) - Dear Cllrs You may be aware that a revised Memorial Safety policy was recently approved in 2024. A copy of which can be viewed at https://powysintranet.moderngov.co.uk/documents/s89432/Memorial%20safety%20amended
My purpose in writing to you is to inform you that between February and December 2025, we will
be inspecting and making safe all memorials between 625mm and 1.5 metres in our council cemeteries. Memorials over 1.5 metres have previously been inspected and made safe. In accordance with the revised policy, the inspecting contractors will identify memorials in one of three categories:
- • Category 1 (Red)-unsafe and in need of immediate attention
- • Category 2 (Amber)-unstable but unlikely to cause an immediate health and safety risk
- • Category 3 (Green)-stable and no action required
A Category 1 memorial will be laid down or made safe by other means at the time of inspection. A
bilingual notice will be placed on the memorial/grave advising that the memorial is unsafe and providing details of how to contact the Council.
A Category 2 memorial will have a bilingual notice placed in a suitable position on the memorial stating that the memorial is unsafe and how to contact the Council. If after the expiry of 6 months from the date of inspection the memorial has not been ?xed it will be laid down or made safe by other methods as appropriate.
We will erecting bilingual information signs on the entrance gates of the cemeteries where the
inspections will take place in December 2024 and will issue a press release in January.
Memorial masons and funeral directors operating in the County have already been informed.
Please note that as part of this process the Council will not be attempting to identify grave owners.
During this process, if you are contacted by the public or owners of unsafe or unstable memorials, I would be grateful if you would advise them to contact the Environmental Protection Department on 01597 827467 or by email at environmental.protection@powys.gov.uk
- Powys (2.12.24) - I am reaching out to inform you about the launch of our new consultation regarding upcoming changes to our local bus services.
Please see links below to the online survey. I have also attached a poster for advertisement. Please can you share and display within your community.
Welsh: https://www.dweudeichdweudpowys.cymru/ymgynghoriad-rhwydwaith-bysiau-lleol-powys
English: https://www.haveyoursaypowys.wales/powys-local-bus-network-consultation
It would be greatly appreciated if you could share these on your social media.
We want as much feedback as possible. Clerk shared on website and to hall committee.
- Ron Bailey Parliament Uk (13.1.25) - Lithium-ion battery safety campaign January 2025
Dear Local Council,
Happy New Year to you – and thank you to the very many of you who lobbied Ministers and your own MPs. This means that we are in a strong position as we go into 2025. Attached is an excellent summary of the campaign, as presented in Electrical Safety First’s Webinar on xxx December.
You will see that the safety of online market places has been added to our objectives – for the reasons explained. Many Local Councils had lobbied me about this matter, so I hope that this inclusion is acceptable to all. If not please let me know.
Here’s where we are:
- Despite many warm words given to Lord Redesdale, it now does not look likely that the Government will include our Bill into their own Product Regulation and
- That Bill completes its passage in the Lords soon and it will then move to the Commons. So your lobbying of MPs will then become even more important – so will be in touch as soon as I have some dates. This is a big and growing (supported by over 500 Local Councils) campaign that can succeed.
Action Request Now PleaseThere are actions that you can take now to help the campaign.
- Many of your councilors will also be members of principal councils or combined authorities. We ask them please to raise this campaign and seek the support of those authorities
- Also, if as a Council you could also request support from those principal councils in whose area you fall.
I hope you are able to do this – and thank you for your truly inspiring efforts in 2024. Lord Foster and Lord Redesdale have been overwhelmed.
All the best and thank you again
- Police and Crime Commissioner (13.1.25) - I am delighted to invite you to our 9th St David’s Day Conference, which this year focuses on the exciting possibilities of evidence-based policing (EBP).
Date: Tuesday, 4th March, 2025
Location: Dyfed-Powys Police Headquarters
Register Here: Evidence Based Policing Conference
This year’s conference will explore the principles and practical applications of evidence-based policing, demonstrating its potential to transform approaches and ensure the best use of resources. The event will bring together policing practitioners, key stakeholders, and members of the wider community, with presentations that:
Showcase ongoing and completed projects across England and Wales.
Highlight opportunities for partnership working and academic collaboration.
Illustrate how evidence-informed approaches can generate new ideas and drive innovation.
- PAVO (14.1.25) - Mat and Julie would like to invite you to the next Locality Network Meeting to be held on 6 March 2025 at 10.30am-12pm at The Subud Hall, Canal Road, Brecon. LD3 7HH.
- PAVO (21.1.25) – Artbeat Brecon – poster on Website –
- Rod King MBE (27.1.25) - First my apologies to Cymraeg speaking Town and Community Councils for providing this only in English. I wanted to get some important information to you quickly about how to challenge your highway authority setting some of your roads back to 30mph which will be 50% higher than their current limit. And I am aware that some Highway Authorities have set deadlines on responses to draft Traffic Regulation Orders that have been raised.
Also, may I commend Welsh drivers for their part in reducing the pace of traffic in Welsh communities. There is clear evidence that 20mph limits in Welsh communities are saving lives, reducing casualties, reducing insurance premiums and making them better places to live, work, play, learn and shop. In fact, in the 9 months prior to setting 20mph there were 39% (489) more casualties on 20mph/30mph roads than in those same months after the default 20mph was set. The Welsh Government and Welsh Local Government Association have won important road safety awards for implementing the default 20mph. And those 489 people not involved in crashes or being injured or killed are walking amongst you now.
I am sure that you are aware that under a “Listening program” the Welsh Government invited the public to nominate roads they wished to be set at 30mph instead of 20mph. Considering how some of the media view the 20mph as a controversial subject, then one could have expected hundreds of thousands of nominations. In fact only 10,500 were replies were received which amounts to 1 in 200 or 0.45% of driving license holders in Wales. Hardly a basis for making a change which could have such an impact on any vulnerable road users in a crash. Something that turns a survivable event into fatality.
Some councils have already recognised that the majority of these requests are just wishful thinking, and that they comprise the very roads shared with walkers, cyclist, shoppers, etc which should and will stay at 20mph regardless. Equally there are some roads where it is appropriate that 30mph should set, especially at the edge of settlements where lighting alone dictated a 20mph limit that could, but weren’t, set to 30mph in 2023.
However, we have come across some where it is clear that highway authorities have issued a draft Traffic Regulation Order where it may be considered inappropriate by the community.
You will have a clear idea of where the streets are which communities will wish to stay at 20mph rather than be increased to 30mph which would have very few benefits to anyone. We have therefore put together a toolkit on how to challenge a Highway Authority planning to increase a speed limit on a road from 20mph to 30mph. This is at https://www.20splenty.org/w_faq11
This provides background, detail and examples of how Town and Community Councils or members of the public can have their voice heard by highway authorities to ensure that your streets stay as safe as possible by maintaining your 20mph limits.
I do trust that you will find this useful. But if you have any questions, or we can help Llywel Community Council in any way then please contact me.
- One voice Wales (7.2.25)- One Voice Wales Survey of Member Councils and engagement with Area Committees -
- Date of next meeting: 20th February 2025